Ready to take back control?
Starting with Allmine.Online is simple. But as real people setup your Freedom Engine, by hand, you'll need a few things ready before you're ready to start...
1: Have your URL (website address) ready to go.
2: Know which email account(s) you will use to send posts.
3: Going to push to Buffer? Set up a free account (you can do this later if you like).
4: Going to use a masthead logo on your site? Get your artwork ready (see below).
5: Sign up!
When your order comes through we'll then send you an email with a link to a form where you can fill in the essential details, we'll need to set you up.
Need a domain name?
Unlike social media platforms, your Allmine.Online Freedom Engine has its own unique address, also known as a domain name... or URL. If you already have a domain name, or want to create a subdomain (i.e:, we will provide you with instructions on how to point it to our server in the welcome email.
If though you do not have a domain name, you will need to register one. There are many places online you can do this, and they more or less offer the same service.
While we do not endorse, nor are affiliated with any particular provider, we know domains registered with GoDaddy are generally well priced and provide the basic features you need to manage your domain name.
Can Allmine.Online register your domain for you? Yes, but we won't.
Your domain is your street address online, so we believe all clients should have full ownership AND control of their domain names.
Logo Requirements
Of course you want to use a masthead logo for your Freedom Engine! Please use the following guidelines:
The very best format is a SVG file. It's more complicated to set up and if you asked 'a what?', then we suggest the next option...
The second best format to use is a PNG format with a transparent background, but make sure it's visible on both a black and white background.
The other option is to use a JPG file, and create two files - one on an off-white background (actually #efefef), and one on black.
The logo itself should be no bigger than 80px high and the resolution is 72dpi.

Transparent PNG, JPG on off-white, JPG on black.
After you subscribe, we will send you a welcome email with further information and instructions. For now we require the following basic information:
Emails: The email account that will be used to send posts to your Freedom Engine. You can use more than one email but emails NOT listed here will not be able to send to your Engine.
Website URL: The URL to be used for your account i.e: or

Your payment will be processed by Stripe
and appear on your statement as 'Pixelated Commerce'
Month to month subscription, cancel anytime.
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Yearly Freedom Engine subscription.
AU$120 - $10/month paid yearly
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